Art and design

Art Vocabulary
Helpful visual aid for Art students to develop their vocabulary.
Print ready file. Can be printed as a classroom display poster or a helpful handout.

Frida Kahlo Cover Lesson Activities
6 activities provided on printable worksheets. Tasks include:
Research moodboard and questions
Mindmap of facts about the artist and questions
Artwork Analysis
x2 artist copy tasks
Create a Kahlo inspired self-portrait
Worksheets are designed in a way that they can be used as cover work with minimal instruction or supplies needed.
Can also use tasks as part of a larger scheme of work on the artist.

Pop Art Cover Activities
This resource includes 6 PDF worksheets of activities on the topic of Pop Art. It has been designed to be suitable for a one off cover lesson or used as part of a scheme of work.
The tasks include:
Pop art mood-board activity
Artist Research activity- Roy Lichtenstein and Andy Warhol
Artist Copy activity- Roy Lichtenstein
Typographic Pop Art activity
Design your own Pop Art soda can activity

Artist Research Questions Template
Versatile and editable template of questions that can be used for any artist.
Add artist name and images to adapt file to suit current artist of study.
Challenge questions provided to stretch more able students.
Ideal for cover work or as part of a scheme of work.

Geometric Art Cover Activities
This resource includes a 7 activity bundle of PDF worksheets on the topic of Geometric Art. Each worksheet is set up in the way that it can be used as a one off cover activity or as a series of lessons.
It can also be used within a scheme of learning on the topic of Line, Shape, Pattern etc.
Tasks include:
Mood-board on Geometric Art activity
Masking Tape Geometric Art activity
Geometric Pattern Design activity
Artist Research activity - Elyse Dodge
Artist copy activities(x3) - Elyse Dodge

Art Study Piet Mondrian
Worksheet on the artist of Piet Mondrian. This worksheet is ideal for a one off cover activity or can be used as part of a larger scheme of work.

Salvador Dali Cover Lesson Activities
5 activities provided on printable worksheets. Tasks include:
Research moodboard and questions
Mindmap of facts about the artist and questions
Artwork Analysis
Artist copy
Create a Dali inspired observational drawing
Worksheets are designed in a way that they can be used as cover work with minimal instruction or supplies needed.
Can also use tasks as part of a larger scheme of work on the artist.

Design and Technology Risk Assessment
Risk assessment template for KS2 or KS3 DT practical lessons. Resources helps learners assess the hazards and risks when in the workshop and encourages them to come up with control measures to prevent and limit risks. Fully editable.

David Hockney Cover Lesson
Series of worksheets on the Artist David Hockney. Worksheets are created in a way that they can be used as one off cover activities or incorporated into a scheme of work.

Art Report Comments/Feedback Examples
18 editable comments that can be used as feedback or a smart target on a report for Art on the topic of observational drawing.

Yayoi Kusama Cover Activities
5 activities provided on printable worksheets. Tasks include:
Research moodboard and questions
Mindmap of facts about the artist and questions
x2 artist copy tasks
Create a Kusama inspired artwork
Worksheets are designed in a way that they can be used as cover work with minimal instruction or supplies needed.
Can also use tasks as part of a larger scheme of work on the artist.

Human Faces Observational Drawing
Editable Powerpoint template of several b/w and colour, high quality images of human faces ideal for observational drawing in any medium. Each template page has a image in a 9 segment grid and a blank grid for students to copy the image in. Success criteria and instructions included on each page.

Analysing the Meaning behind Artwork
Included is a printable PDF that can be edited by hand, as well as the PPT. version for full editing.
This template is one sided and provides a place to stick/insert an image of any work that can be analysed by students.
Instructions and questions are provided to guide students in identifying and discussing the meaning/idea behind an artwork.

Natural Forms Grid Drawing Templates
This resource is ideal for cover lessons, homework, extension tasks or part of a series of lessons on the topics of observational drawing/natural forms/ colour.
Included in the resource are a series of coloured images of natural forms such as flowers and fruit. Each image has a 9 box grid placed over it and a blank 9 box grid to aid students in drawing the image succesfully.
Can be used for students to practice observational drawing as well as the ability to apply tone and texture with a choice of medium.
Success criteria is provided on each template.

The Art Criticism Process Poster
Single poster ready to print. Great for display in the Art classroom.

Art: Chalk Pastel Experiment Template
Printable template for initial introduction to chalk pastel. Provides students with the practice of applying and blending pastels.

The Art Criticism Process Set of Posters
Set of 4 individual posters ready to print. Ideal for display in the Art classroom.

Art_Henri Matisse Cover Lesson
This resource includes 8 individual worksheets on Henri Matisse. These worksheets can be used as cover work or as part of an existing scheme of work. They include differentiation and the opportunity for self and peer assessment.
Tasks include:
Create a moodboard about Matisse
Artist copy in medium of choice x2
Artist copy - Paper cut out art
Create a paper cut out artwork with provided shapes
Create a paper cut out artwork using coloured paper and your own shapes

Cover Activity -Mini Design Brief - Teacher Mug
One worksheet activity requiring students to design a mug logo for a teacher. Includes brainstorm template to consider client needs and a blank mug template to draw the design idea.

Art Value Scale Template
Printable template for practicing achieving a range of value using a variety of mark-making techniques.